Tribut to Wasior, Merapi, and Wasior disaster.
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Apa yang baru di Twitter?
Apa fitur terbaru di Twitter? Twitter memberitahu kalau "life doesn’t always fit into 140 characters or less" – jadi ini dia fitur terbaru di Twitter, lihat lewat video YouTube berikut:
The Town Movie Review
Ben Affleck confirms his directing skills with this sharply made thriller, which carefully maintains a human connection with its characters. It's an astutely observed story, finely told by both cast and crew.
The Charlestown neighbourhood in Boston is a notorious home for bank robbers, and Doug (Affleck) leads fiendishly efficient heists with his brother-like pal Jem (Renner), driver Albert (Slaine) and techie Des (Burke). But Jem's trigger-happy temper almost undoes the last job when he briefly takes bank manager Claire (Hall) hostage. To make sure she's not going to turn them in to tenacious FBI Agent Frawley (Hamm), Doug gets to know her. And of course falls in love, finally seeing a way out of this dodgy life.
Based on a novel by Chuck Hogan, the plot may be similar to Michael Mann's Heat but the film is much more intimate, focussing so tightly on the relationships between the characters that action scenes feel almost like distractions. But the two big set pieces (a gritty car chase and a desperate gun battle) are both extremely well-staged, and will keep genre fans happy. Demanding viewers will enjoy the jagged interaction even more.
Meanwhile, Affleck delivers a magnetic central performance as a man trying to break the generational pull of crime that saw his father (Cooper in a scene-chewing cameo) end up behind bars. But breaking free of the local mob boss (Postlethwaite) or his needy ex-girlfriend (Lively) isn't easy. And Affleck's scenes with both Hall and Renner give the film a kick of bracingly honest emotion. While Hamm gets the chance to cut loose, grabbing the big screen with real intensity.
On the other hand, the dialog often feels overwrought as everyone tells stories about their own life experiences. This is great for the actors, and it adds texture to each character, but it locks much of the film in conversations rather than narrative motion. It also perhaps leaves us with characters who aren't as shaded as they seem. But the performances more than make up with this, and the raw relationships make the film thoroughly engaging, putting us in the shoes of these people as they make moral decisions that go against their natures.
Review by Rich Cline
The Town Movie Trailer
Via contactmusic
The Charlestown neighbourhood in Boston is a notorious home for bank robbers, and Doug (Affleck) leads fiendishly efficient heists with his brother-like pal Jem (Renner), driver Albert (Slaine) and techie Des (Burke). But Jem's trigger-happy temper almost undoes the last job when he briefly takes bank manager Claire (Hall) hostage. To make sure she's not going to turn them in to tenacious FBI Agent Frawley (Hamm), Doug gets to know her. And of course falls in love, finally seeing a way out of this dodgy life.
Based on a novel by Chuck Hogan, the plot may be similar to Michael Mann's Heat but the film is much more intimate, focussing so tightly on the relationships between the characters that action scenes feel almost like distractions. But the two big set pieces (a gritty car chase and a desperate gun battle) are both extremely well-staged, and will keep genre fans happy. Demanding viewers will enjoy the jagged interaction even more.
Meanwhile, Affleck delivers a magnetic central performance as a man trying to break the generational pull of crime that saw his father (Cooper in a scene-chewing cameo) end up behind bars. But breaking free of the local mob boss (Postlethwaite) or his needy ex-girlfriend (Lively) isn't easy. And Affleck's scenes with both Hall and Renner give the film a kick of bracingly honest emotion. While Hamm gets the chance to cut loose, grabbing the big screen with real intensity.
On the other hand, the dialog often feels overwrought as everyone tells stories about their own life experiences. This is great for the actors, and it adds texture to each character, but it locks much of the film in conversations rather than narrative motion. It also perhaps leaves us with characters who aren't as shaded as they seem. But the performances more than make up with this, and the raw relationships make the film thoroughly engaging, putting us in the shoes of these people as they make moral decisions that go against their natures.
Review by Rich Cline
The Town Movie Trailer
Via contactmusic
Samsung Android Tablet: Galaxy Tab
Ini dia PC tablet teranyar dari Samsung berbasis Android, Galaxy Tab. Samapi kini belum ada rilis resmi dari Samsung mengenai berapa harga Galaxy Tab.
Berikut spesifikasi dari Samsung Android Tablet - Galaxy Tab:
- 7-inch screen (running at a 1024-by-600 pixel resolution)
- 1-gigahertz processor
- PowerVR graphics processor
- support Adobe’s Flash 10.1
- 512MB memory, 2 kali lebih besar dari iPad
- 3-megapixel kamera dengan autofocus dan flash dan front-facing 1.3-megapixel kamera untuk video konfrens.
- Tersedia 16-gigabyte dan 32-gigabyte storage
- 802.11N Wi-Fi
-Bluetooth 3.0 3G equipped.
- 3G HSPA connection
Samsung mengatakan bahwa Galaxy Tab akan tersedia di Eropa pertengahan September ini kemudian di Amerika dan berlanjut di negara lain di tahun berikutnya.
Berikut spesifikasi dari Samsung Android Tablet - Galaxy Tab:
- 7-inch screen (running at a 1024-by-600 pixel resolution)
- 1-gigahertz processor
- PowerVR graphics processor
- support Adobe’s Flash 10.1
- 512MB memory, 2 kali lebih besar dari iPad
- 3-megapixel kamera dengan autofocus dan flash dan front-facing 1.3-megapixel kamera untuk video konfrens.
- Tersedia 16-gigabyte dan 32-gigabyte storage
- 802.11N Wi-Fi
-Bluetooth 3.0 3G equipped.
- 3G HSPA connection
Samsung mengatakan bahwa Galaxy Tab akan tersedia di Eropa pertengahan September ini kemudian di Amerika dan berlanjut di negara lain di tahun berikutnya.
Haruskah perang menjadi sebuah solusi? (Indonesia-Malaysia)
Pasti kamu sudah dengar dan baca dari media, mengenai hubungan negara kita tercinta Indonesia terhadap Malaysia. Rata-rata media menghembuskan tagline yang mengarah pada "Perang" dengan berbagai isi ataupun komentar yang menjurus ke tindakan yang hampir semua orang di dunia tidak ingin terjadi 'WAR'.
C'mon guys, ini bukan lagi jamannya perang adu senjata atau adu fisik. Kita lihat dulu dong masalahnya itu apa, jangan dibawa emosi dan pikir matang-matang sebelum ngomong
Duh... kita sendiri bisa aja ngomong gitu, mbok ya dipikir, kita ini rakyat kecil yang nggak hidup sendiri, ada sodara, tetangga, teman, kerabat, anak-anak yang akan menggantikan kita di generasi mendatang, haruskah generasi ita hidup berjalan mundur kembali ke jaman perang dulu.
Sadar nggak, kita aja sering mengolok-olok negara kita sendiri,
"Huhh.. dari segi ini.. itu..Indonesia sudah jauh ketinggalan dari negara lain"
Nah kalo jadi perang, olok-olokan seperti itu pasti nggak ada habisnya dan negara ini akan semakin jauh tertinggal.
Kalaupun terjadi perang dan kita menang, apa kita harus bangga? Oh.. guys mungkin dengan semangat 45 kita bisa saja berbangga memenangkan peperangan, tapi coba lihat kedepan, anak kita, generasi kita, tanah air kita, ketertinggalan, pembangunan, haruskah mereka mulai lagi dari nol. Dan kita nggak tahu, mungkin saja kejadian ini akan terjadi lagi di masa akan datang.
Apa untungnya memenangkan peperangan, yang kaya mungkin saja masih bisa tetap bertahan, tapi yang miskin akan lebih tertindas.
Kita juga sering berkoar-koar untuk menghentikan peperangan untuk negara lain, atau dengan mengirimkan sukarelawan membantu para korban perang dan meredakan peperangan, lantas kenapa kamu harus menyulut peperangan di tanah air kita, Om nggak habis pikir dah, bukannya om nggak cinta tanah air, apakah cinta tanah air harus diciptakan dengan peperangan? Perang bukanlah solusi.
C'mon guys, ini bukan lagi jamannya perang adu senjata atau adu fisik. Kita lihat dulu dong masalahnya itu apa, jangan dibawa emosi dan pikir matang-matang sebelum ngomong
"Gua nggak takut perang, sampai titik darah penghabisan saya akan memperjuangkan tanah air NKRI"
Duh... kita sendiri bisa aja ngomong gitu, mbok ya dipikir, kita ini rakyat kecil yang nggak hidup sendiri, ada sodara, tetangga, teman, kerabat, anak-anak yang akan menggantikan kita di generasi mendatang, haruskah generasi ita hidup berjalan mundur kembali ke jaman perang dulu.
Sadar nggak, kita aja sering mengolok-olok negara kita sendiri,
"Huhh.. dari segi ini.. itu..Indonesia sudah jauh ketinggalan dari negara lain"
Nah kalo jadi perang, olok-olokan seperti itu pasti nggak ada habisnya dan negara ini akan semakin jauh tertinggal.
Kalaupun terjadi perang dan kita menang, apa kita harus bangga? Oh.. guys mungkin dengan semangat 45 kita bisa saja berbangga memenangkan peperangan, tapi coba lihat kedepan, anak kita, generasi kita, tanah air kita, ketertinggalan, pembangunan, haruskah mereka mulai lagi dari nol. Dan kita nggak tahu, mungkin saja kejadian ini akan terjadi lagi di masa akan datang.
Apa untungnya memenangkan peperangan, yang kaya mungkin saja masih bisa tetap bertahan, tapi yang miskin akan lebih tertindas.
Kita juga sering berkoar-koar untuk menghentikan peperangan untuk negara lain, atau dengan mengirimkan sukarelawan membantu para korban perang dan meredakan peperangan, lantas kenapa kamu harus menyulut peperangan di tanah air kita, Om nggak habis pikir dah, bukannya om nggak cinta tanah air, apakah cinta tanah air harus diciptakan dengan peperangan? Perang bukanlah solusi.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jangalah kaum laki-laki menghina kaum laki-laki yang lain, karena boleh jadi kaum yang dihinakan itu lebih baik dari kaum yang menghinakan, dan janganlah kaum perempuan menghinakan kaum perempuan yang lain, boleh jadi kaum perempuan yang dihina itu lebih baik dari kaum perempuan yang menghina…" (Al Hujuraat:11)
China ambil alih ekonomi dunia kedua terbesar dari Jepang
Cina melampaui Jepang sebagai ekonomi dunia terbesar kedua dalam kuartal terakhir. Nominal produk domestik bruto Jepang untuk kuartal kedua mencapai $ 1.288 Milliar, kurang dari Cina $ 1.337 milliar, menurut Bloomberg..
Lepasnya China dari resesi ekonomi tahun lalu membuat perekonomian negara ini tumbuh pesat 90 kali lebih besar dibandingkan pada era kepemimpinan Deng Xiaoping.
PS: Om Jev sangat iri dengan China!
Lepasnya China dari resesi ekonomi tahun lalu membuat perekonomian negara ini tumbuh pesat 90 kali lebih besar dibandingkan pada era kepemimpinan Deng Xiaoping.
PS: Om Jev sangat iri dengan China!
Bohong di DPR sama aja bohongi Rakyat
Sangat menarik mengikuti perkembangan kasus Kapolri BHD terkait pernyataannya di DPR tentang keberadaan rekaman Ade Rahardja dengan Ari Muladi dalam kasus kriminalisasi pimpinan KPK.
Saya sebagai rakyat mau bilang apa?
Presiden Dituntut Berhentikan Kapolri
JAKARTA, — Aktivis Kompak Ray Rangkuti mendesak agar Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono segera mencopot Jenderal (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri dari jabatan Kepala Kepolisian RI. Hal tersebut dikarenakan, menurut Ray, Kapolri telah melakukan beberapa pelanggaran, yakni berbohong kepada publik, teledor, pelanggaran indisipliner, dan tidak pro terhadap pemberantasan mafia hukum.
"Tidak perlu menunggu satu bulan (berakhir masa jabatan BHD) supaya ada pelajaran bagi siapa pun pejabat publik yang indispliner, ganti saja," katanya dalam jumpa pers di kantor Kontras, Jalan Borobudur, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (16/8/2010).
Saya sebagai rakyat mau bilang apa?
Video Polisi Tabrak Lari Mahasiswa
Video polisi tabrak lari atas seorang mahasiswa pada tahun 2008 membuat pihak kepolisian mencari siapa yang mengunggah video tersebut di internet. Atas dasar video tersebut direkayasa, orang yang mengunggah dicari-cari pihak aparat.
Hmmm....aneh ..mau terpental wajar atau tak wajar, yang jelas mahasiswa tersebut adalah korban dari tabrak lari dan seharusnya yang diusut adalah yang menabrak, dan sudah seharusnya orang yang mengunggah video tersebut dilindungi. Hidup kok tambah edan!
"Polda: Video Mahasiswa Terpental Tak Wajar" ( - 28 Jul 2010)
Hmmm....aneh ..mau terpental wajar atau tak wajar, yang jelas mahasiswa tersebut adalah korban dari tabrak lari dan seharusnya yang diusut adalah yang menabrak, dan sudah seharusnya orang yang mengunggah video tersebut dilindungi. Hidup kok tambah edan!
Akrabnya Amrik dan Israel
Michelle Obama, istri presiden Amerika Barack Obama, minum teh bersama Sara Ben-Artzi, istri perdana menteri israel, Benjamin Netanyahu di Yellow Oval Room, Gedung Putih, July 6, 2010. Begitu akrabnya mereka berdua. :)
(Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)
An American eats 54 hot dogs in 10 minutes on declaration of independence
American Joey Chestnut won the title of largest dining hot dogs for the fourth consecutive time, after eating 54 sandwiches in 10 minutes sausages in New York as part of celebrations for the U.S. national holiday.
The Californian of 26, who weighs 104 kg, did not break his own record it reached last year after eating 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes.
His great rival, Japan's Takeru Kobayashi, champion from 2001 to 2006 before being downgraded to second place the last three years, participated in the 2010 edition of the contest.
The inaugural tournament was held in 1916.
According to legend, the idea of this competition arose between four immigrants who wanted to determine which of them was the U.S..
Since that day, competition takes place every year on the feast of Independence, July 4 in Coney Island, southern Brooklyn.
The Californian of 26, who weighs 104 kg, did not break his own record it reached last year after eating 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes.
His great rival, Japan's Takeru Kobayashi, champion from 2001 to 2006 before being downgraded to second place the last three years, participated in the 2010 edition of the contest.
The inaugural tournament was held in 1916.
According to legend, the idea of this competition arose between four immigrants who wanted to determine which of them was the U.S..
Since that day, competition takes place every year on the feast of Independence, July 4 in Coney Island, southern Brooklyn.
Trailer Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
Paranormal Activity adalah film horor Amerika tahun 2009 yang ditulis dan disutradarai oleh Oren Peli. Film ini ditayangkan pertama kali di Screamfest Film Festival di Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2007, dan ditampilkan di Slamdance Film Festival pada tanggal 18 Januari 2008. Film ini dirilis terbatas di beberapa kota di AS pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2009, dan dirilis nasional pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2009. Kembali film Paranormal Activity dibikin untuk ke 2 kalinya. Lihat trailer Paranormal Activity 2 (2010):
Sony recalls more than 500,000 Vaio overheating
The company has announced that the problem, which eventually leads to the casing of portable, fixed with a patch that is now available for download.
After multiple complaints from users Vaio C and F of the whole world about the heating problems suffered by computers, Sony has admitted that it is a manufacturing defect. So have decided to withdraw from the market worldwide Vaio 535 000.
The problem affects some laptops Vaio series C and F seats on sale in January 2010. Sony, which has admitted having received 39 complaints from consumers around the world, removed 103 000 portable in Europe, 259 000 in the U.S., 120,000 in Asia and 52,000 in Japan.
However, the firm has also reported that it is possible to solve the problem of overheating and getting out a patch that is available through the web Vaio. Of course, this does not help if the problem has already damaged the case, so that Sony offers the possibility to repair or replace the laptop.
According to Wall Street Journal says a Sony spokesperson has said that the company does not expect that this problem has a significant impact on the income of the firm, which should start generating a profit this year after two straight years of losses.
After multiple complaints from users Vaio C and F of the whole world about the heating problems suffered by computers, Sony has admitted that it is a manufacturing defect. So have decided to withdraw from the market worldwide Vaio 535 000.
The problem affects some laptops Vaio series C and F seats on sale in January 2010. Sony, which has admitted having received 39 complaints from consumers around the world, removed 103 000 portable in Europe, 259 000 in the U.S., 120,000 in Asia and 52,000 in Japan.
However, the firm has also reported that it is possible to solve the problem of overheating and getting out a patch that is available through the web Vaio. Of course, this does not help if the problem has already damaged the case, so that Sony offers the possibility to repair or replace the laptop.
According to Wall Street Journal says a Sony spokesperson has said that the company does not expect that this problem has a significant impact on the income of the firm, which should start generating a profit this year after two straight years of losses.
Balita Indonesia masih kalah "Jago"
Gambar ini mengingatkan akan anak-anak kecil (balita) yang gempar diberitakan di Indonesia akibat merokok. Ternyata anak-anak tersebut masih kalah "jago" dengan Anak warga asing pada gambar di atas. Sudah merokok, minum bir pula! Duh... Maybe just pic and for funny only.
[Disclaimer: I didn't take this picture. I don't know who did. Don't get pissed at me for posting it. If it offends you, loosen up a bit & learn to laugh. Live & Let live.]
Foto: Twitpic
Dibelakang pria yang baik ada wanita yang baik
Lagi surfing-surfing gambar di Twitpic eh nemu kata bijak seperti ini:
Tapi kata bijak itu tidak berhenti sampai disitu, masih ada kelanjutannya...
Emang pake rok mini segitu, mereka bisa liat apa yah?
Dibelakang pria yang baik ada wanita yang baik pula
Tapi kata bijak itu tidak berhenti sampai disitu, masih ada kelanjutannya...
Dibelakang pria yang baik ada wanita yang baik pula, dan dibelakang wanita itu ada pria lain yang lagi pelototin bokong wanita itu
Emang pake rok mini segitu, mereka bisa liat apa yah?
Bali, a destination of pristine beaches and superb attention...
Beauty and long beaches of endless, vast paddy fields and releasing their fragrance damp temples, ancient and modern, more refined Hinduism, and a simple life of its people, which all precede a smile. Welcome to paradise. This is Bali.
Although it sounds like a cliche, Bali is a paradise on earth. Beauty and long beaches of endless, vast paddy fields and releasing their fragrance damp temples, ancient and modern, more refined Hinduism, and a simple life of its people, which all precede a smile, is what that you will find the travelers.
Let's start with the temples. The island of Bali Hinduism hosted in the seventh century, adapting to their animist beliefs. Religion over the centuries brought with art, literature, music and culture. The ultimate expression of beauty that takes faith in Bali is reflected in the temples, here known as pure. Monumental or domestic, each town on the island has at least three, and will be rare when the passenger does not surprise offerings by women, or men entering hastily into one of them.
Temples, craters and lots of culture
Do not be rushed into the temple of Tanah Lot, even if many people. It is a tourist attraction, and before that little can be done except to abstract and see the beauty of the landscape that will lock stuck between cliffs, rocked by the constant murmur of the waves. If you want to avoid the crowds, in the interior of the island there are other temples, even sacred, which are worth a visit, such as Batur.
Also inside Ubud. Small and refined Ubud hosted the monarchy, becoming in 1900 a protectorate Netherlands (by request of his king). Since then, the traditional and ornate city today overturned only feed your soul, that is, entirely devoted to religion and culture. It is worth traveling its narrow streets, into bookstores, craft shops, galleries, antique shops and museums such as the Puri Lukis, Fine Arts.
Of rice fields and beaches
Nature signed his particular work of art in this Indonesian island. The paddies lining the entire island, staggered in terraces that seem to try to reach the sky. They are like emerald staircases when the sun falls off a fragrance that permeates the skin moist. It is difficult not to attend the farmers' hard work throughout the day. And all work is done while worship Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice and fertility. And is that Bali, although it's a tourist brochure title, is considered the island of the gods. They created it and they guard.
The south of Bali, as well as gods, hosts the most popular beaches: Like Dreamland, which seems a postcard, the Blue Ocean Beach, full of bars, or Kuta, always crowded, perhaps because much of it is located here tourism infrastructure cheaper. And although it believes Bali is an affordable paradise.
Prices are somewhat higher in nearby Seminyak, perhaps because the style is paid. While the beaches may be similar, which gives this village are shops and night. And the two proposals are excellent. Many of the regulars of the night are actually fans of the day because they come to Bali in search of waves. And find them. While the north is the place to go diving in the southern beaches with incredible waves await. The deserted Echo Beach is the perfect beach for surfers.
It is also the perfect place to ring in the day, and understand then, between the sound of the waves and the infinite sky for what is rightly considered Bali the island of the gods.
Although it sounds like a cliche, Bali is a paradise on earth. Beauty and long beaches of endless, vast paddy fields and releasing their fragrance damp temples, ancient and modern, more refined Hinduism, and a simple life of its people, which all precede a smile, is what that you will find the travelers.
Let's start with the temples. The island of Bali Hinduism hosted in the seventh century, adapting to their animist beliefs. Religion over the centuries brought with art, literature, music and culture. The ultimate expression of beauty that takes faith in Bali is reflected in the temples, here known as pure. Monumental or domestic, each town on the island has at least three, and will be rare when the passenger does not surprise offerings by women, or men entering hastily into one of them.
Temples, craters and lots of culture
Do not be rushed into the temple of Tanah Lot, even if many people. It is a tourist attraction, and before that little can be done except to abstract and see the beauty of the landscape that will lock stuck between cliffs, rocked by the constant murmur of the waves. If you want to avoid the crowds, in the interior of the island there are other temples, even sacred, which are worth a visit, such as Batur.
Also inside Ubud. Small and refined Ubud hosted the monarchy, becoming in 1900 a protectorate Netherlands (by request of his king). Since then, the traditional and ornate city today overturned only feed your soul, that is, entirely devoted to religion and culture. It is worth traveling its narrow streets, into bookstores, craft shops, galleries, antique shops and museums such as the Puri Lukis, Fine Arts.
Of rice fields and beaches
Nature signed his particular work of art in this Indonesian island. The paddies lining the entire island, staggered in terraces that seem to try to reach the sky. They are like emerald staircases when the sun falls off a fragrance that permeates the skin moist. It is difficult not to attend the farmers' hard work throughout the day. And all work is done while worship Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice and fertility. And is that Bali, although it's a tourist brochure title, is considered the island of the gods. They created it and they guard.
The south of Bali, as well as gods, hosts the most popular beaches: Like Dreamland, which seems a postcard, the Blue Ocean Beach, full of bars, or Kuta, always crowded, perhaps because much of it is located here tourism infrastructure cheaper. And although it believes Bali is an affordable paradise.
Prices are somewhat higher in nearby Seminyak, perhaps because the style is paid. While the beaches may be similar, which gives this village are shops and night. And the two proposals are excellent. Many of the regulars of the night are actually fans of the day because they come to Bali in search of waves. And find them. While the north is the place to go diving in the southern beaches with incredible waves await. The deserted Echo Beach is the perfect beach for surfers.
It is also the perfect place to ring in the day, and understand then, between the sound of the waves and the infinite sky for what is rightly considered Bali the island of the gods.
Piala Dunia 2010 vs Video Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari
Buka Google Warta sejak merebak kasus video Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari yang mengguncang dunia artis Indonesia sampai perhelatan Piala Dunia FIFA 2010, kedua topik itu selalu nangkring di tempat teratas mesin pencari Google.
Menjelang malam hari mungkin orang heboh akan kerasnya pertandingan Piala Dunia 2010 untuk mencapai partai puncak Final Piala Dunia 2010 diantara 32 negara peserta, tapi menjelang pagi sampai sore hari, publik heboh disuguhkan kerasnya para infotainment mengorek-ngorek kebenaran dan keaslian video Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari.
Bulan Juni 2010 ini, Piala Dunia 2010 vs Video Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari akan terus bertarung menduduki trend topik sampai partai puncak. Siapa yang akan jadi pemenang? Siapa yang akan tergusur dengan wajah malu?
Menjelang malam hari mungkin orang heboh akan kerasnya pertandingan Piala Dunia 2010 untuk mencapai partai puncak Final Piala Dunia 2010 diantara 32 negara peserta, tapi menjelang pagi sampai sore hari, publik heboh disuguhkan kerasnya para infotainment mengorek-ngorek kebenaran dan keaslian video Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari.
Bulan Juni 2010 ini, Piala Dunia 2010 vs Video Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari akan terus bertarung menduduki trend topik sampai partai puncak. Siapa yang akan jadi pemenang? Siapa yang akan tergusur dengan wajah malu?
Cut Tari,
Luna Maya,
Piala Dunia
The Book of Eli (2010): Mari kita merenung
Tadi malam nonton film The Book of Eli yang diperankan aktor watak kulit hitam, siapa lagi kalo bukan my favorite star, Denzel Washington. Filmnya baru diputar di bioskop Makassar, padahal sudah lama banget rilisnya.
Ketika film sekarang ini dengan background masa depan yang penuh dengan teknologi cangging, film The Book of Eli memberikan hal yang berbeda.
Tidak ada teknologi canggih, tidak air bersih, tidak ada uang, tidak ada udara segar, tidak ada sinar matahari yang bersahabat, tidak ada makanan.
Situasi yang masuk akal, situasi yang kita tidak inginkan untuk hidup, dan situasi yang memaksa kita untuk bertahan hidup.
The Book of Eli, ketika kehidupan zaman purba diimplementasikan ke zaman akan datang. Ketika zaman penyeruan terhadap adanya agama kembali terulang. Ketika ilmu harus dibayar dengan nyawa dan ketika kita harus kembali merenung, betapa pentingnya sebuah kitab suci.
The Book of Eli' Trailer 2 HD YouTube
Ketika film sekarang ini dengan background masa depan yang penuh dengan teknologi cangging, film The Book of Eli memberikan hal yang berbeda.
Tidak ada teknologi canggih, tidak air bersih, tidak ada uang, tidak ada udara segar, tidak ada sinar matahari yang bersahabat, tidak ada makanan.
Situasi yang masuk akal, situasi yang kita tidak inginkan untuk hidup, dan situasi yang memaksa kita untuk bertahan hidup.
The Book of Eli, ketika kehidupan zaman purba diimplementasikan ke zaman akan datang. Ketika zaman penyeruan terhadap adanya agama kembali terulang. Ketika ilmu harus dibayar dengan nyawa dan ketika kita harus kembali merenung, betapa pentingnya sebuah kitab suci.
The Book of Eli' Trailer 2 HD YouTube
Denzel Washington,
The Book of Eli,
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